Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Viewer Mail: Is Revitalash comparable to Latisse anymore?

On a recent blog post regarding Latisse, we received the following comment:

" I understand that Doctors sell Latisse to make money. What I don't understand is why anyone would pay $120.00 (my OB/GYN sells it) for this product when there are OTC products that do the exact same thing (in the same timeframe) for less money. I use Revitalash (it was developed by an eye doctor) and got longer (even curlier) lashes in 9 weeks. I was hesitant to try any of these products, but am so glad I did. Lashes make such a difference to the face. I get lot of comments, mostly people want to know what mascara I use. Needless to say, Revitalash is good option to the pricey and risky Latisse."

Both Revitalash and Jan Marini’s Age Intervention Eyelash Conditioner used to contain bimatoprost, the active ingredient in Latisse. Thus, it is true that older formulations of these 2 products would be expected to produce results somewhat like those seen with the Allergan product.

However, neither of those 2 products underwent the rigors of an FDA safety and efficacy trial as was done with Latisse. Thus, one could never guarantee the same results for those 2 products as can be expected from Latisse. Having said that, after Allergan’s lawsuit to prevent other companies from using their product, neither Revitalash nor Age Intervention now contain the active Allergan ingredient that leads to luxurious eyelashes.

There are undoubtedly still some older versions of these products available. However former users of these products cannot expect the newly formulated Revitalash and Jan Marini’s Age Intervention to produce the same results as Allergan’s Latisse.

Dr. David J. Goldberg
Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, Boca Raton
Skin Laser Surgery Specialists of NY/NJ

Dr. Jason Pozner
Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, Boca Raton
Sanctuary Plastic Surgery, Boca Raton


  1. I am a consumer of all things beauty and have worked in the cosmetics industry for quite some time. I have been using Revitalash since it came out a couple years ago and have been very happy with my results. I can actually see a difference. I wanted to let others know that I have not experienced any of the side effects stated by latisse (although anything is possible) and the cost is much more reasonable. Not to mention it can be purchased through your salon/spa because it is strictly a cosmetic!!

  2. My Sister and I decided to have a 'lash dual'. She was using Latisse, I was using Revitalash. Her lashes did not show any signs of lengthening before 10 weeks. My lashes, were a bit longer at 8-9 weeks. We've both been using our products now for 3 months and our lashes have grown and are curlier. I guess my point is, why spend the $$ for Latisse, when Revitalash (quite affordable and easy to get) gives the same results in the same (or less) amount of time? Go figure...

  3. I am using the New Revitalash. I have to admit, it does not work at all. No studies have been done on this product. I assume that MD Lash Factor, Lilash, and Jan Marini products are all similar to Revitalash now. Revitalash had a great product but they lost it now to the Big Boy Allergan.

  4. I love everything about RevitaLash. I can already tell a huge difference with my eyelashes! I am so impressed. I would recommend this product to anyone.

  5. Woaah! many of us here are really experiencing how amazing revitalash is. Well to share, I am so thankful to this revitalash eyelash conditioner. It really made my brittle and short lashes naturally looking fuller, darker and healthier. Great Product.

  6. There are now many eyelash products that people can use if they want to have eyelashes that are longer and thicker. But in case everything else will fail and you still did not get the eyelashes of your dreams, it will be a better move if you simply wait for your body to just perform its own magic.

  7. The need for beauty products is continuously increasing these days and almost all facial features now have their corresponding grooming item. For instance, there are now many eyelash growth products that promise to beatify one’s eyelashes and Revitalash is one such item.
